As the huge safety benefit of in-cabin monitoring systems in vehicles has become apparent, an increasing number of governments and automotive safety institutions start talking about it – more and more regulations are being formed and adopted. And because we are in those early stages of regulation development, it has been very challenging to get a concise overview about them.

But not anymore! We created an info point that collects all relevant laws, NCAP rules, safety recommendations and other documents from all over the world related to in-cabin monitoring. The Regulatory Radar is a sub-page on our website that will be continuously adapted and updated.

Since this should be a page contributing value to our community of automotive stakeholders, we hope it develops into a ‘two-way street’. Please feel free to get in touch with us to give feedback, to let us know if we missed something or to just discuss topics about in-cabin monitoring in general. You can also sign up for our mailing list to receive updates about new regulations – just click here to find the right contact data or follow us on LinkedIn.

We are excited to launch the Regulatory Radar and we hope you will find what you are looking for.

Your emotion3D Team



Click here to see the Regulatory Radar.

DISCLAIMER: The information presented on this page does not constitute legal advice. All information on this page is provided solely for general information purposes. Information on this page may not be complete, correct or up to date. emotion3D does not recommend to base any actions on the information given on this page.